I am outraged! Absolutely irate! I am not permitted to be myself. I'm sure you're sniggering to yourself thinking; "here she goes again." This is not a joke or a set up for some big punchline.My country is going to the dogs. Here are some of the things I believe.
First, of all I believe the greatest failure in this country is the public school system. Education is a privilege not a rite. Scrap it. Get rid of it. All we're doing is indoctrinating children to believe in cliques and stupidity. To believe that to be accepting and no judgemental is the way to be. JUDGE A RIGHTEOUS JUDGEMENT! That's the way. Yes, you do have to study. No, you may not follow another students' example and use any sort of substance illegally from PCP to Top Ramen. And yes if you need help demand it from those who are there to help you. No it's not ok to allow illegal immigrants to send their children to a school Americans pay for. DO you know anyone that pays the average $8,000.00 for their child to do to public school? No you don't. Do you know anyone who gets $8,000.00 worth of education from a public school? No you don't. Close em all down and let the people here illegally squat in them until we kick their asses out!
Second, My elected officials work for ME! When I call to make an appointment I better be important enough to speak to. Especially when I am patient enough to book six months out. I should not ever have to drop my dead grandfather's distinguished name to get in to see you. I AM YOUR BOSS HARRY REID! YOU WORK FOR ME! When majority of an officials constituents ask something from them as far as a vote this way or that in the house or the senate they had better do it. When the peoples of a country peacefully speak out about their dissatisfaction the President should listen, instead of lying to more people by broadcasting a few citizens who are happy about the extra $30.00 in their paychecks.
Third, my children should never never have to pay for my mistakes. Including social security. That's right I said it. Scrap it! Let these last few have it and put it on the cutting room floor. How dare Washington run up debt to high that majority of America doesn't even understand the scope of the numbers because they were educated in our public school system.
How dare they expect me to fail and not allow me to stand on my own two feet. Failure is an integral part of success. Which is why we don't have a society that is willing to be held accountable for their actions. Because Big Government loves to reward mediocrity and it has trickled down. The losing team gets a trophy too, graduating classes have multiple valedictorians, The treasury secretary can't do his own taxes. Oh! don't worry he'll make sure he gets all of your taxes I'm sure!
Why when I call Bank of AMERICA do I have to press 1 for English and 2 for Spanish? English is our official language. I'm all for immigrants enriching our society, but my ancestors had to speak English before they were granted citizenship. And if you're not a citizen or a tourist... get the hell out. GO! Then come back legally. Unstil then stop soaking up my tax dollars and calling me intolerant because I shouldn't have to press 1 for English. You're stealing you thieving illegal immigrant! Frankly I don't care if you were dragged across a boarder against your will. If you like it so much then be worthy of it! Do it right!
Listen up Nancy Pelosi: I don't believe in bailouts unless you pay tithing and God is bailing you out. Yes one happened while Bush was in office. Thank you Mrs. Speaker of the House. I have alot more to say about this!
I do not believe everyone should just get health care. However I do believe everyone should pay for it. Hawaii was the only state to pass a bill for every child to have health care. It lasted for three months. THREE MONTHS!!!! They could not support if financially. So now Mr President wants the whole country to get in on this wonderfully failed experiment. Hey we'll get free sex change ops, but sorry cancer patients you're all going to die the smart meters won't let the equipment you need for your surgery to work. Yes, this happens in Germany and the UK. Congratulations on being pregnant! You get two visits with the doctor before we slice you open a week too early; a la Canada.
How dare the President ask me to use a smart meter! You want to tell me how much power to use???? Get out of my house you filthy rat! Stop throwing expensive parties, Use Dixie instead of paying people to wash your dishes, turn off one of your teleprompters... or both try memorization! Put the stupid White House on a smart meter. Give up Air force One. Don't buy a new fleet of government vehicles. Fix old ones. Get out of my business!
I believe in these 9 principals and 12 values:
9 Principles
1.America Is Good.
2.I believe in God and He is the Center of my Life.
3.I must always try to be a more honest person than I was yesterday.
4.The family is sacred. My spouse and I are the ultimate authority, not the government.
5.If you break the law you pay the penalty. Justice is blind and no one is above it.
6.I have a right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, but there is no guarantee of equal results.
7.I work hard for what I have and I will share it with who I want to. Government cannot force me to be charitable.
8.It is not un-American for me to disagree with authority or to share my personal opinion.
9. The government works for me. I do not answer to them, they answer to me.
12 Values
Hard Work
Personal Responsibility
Christmas Eve
8 years ago
Wow! I agree with you on several points- I recently was annoyed when a friend on food staps told me she got bumped to $500 a month! WHAT!!!???? I am living on $250 a month- ME and my family with the same number of people in it- and my tax dollars are paying for her steak while I'm cutting coupons and eating Ramen. AGH! That ticks me off BIGTIME!
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