Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Ha Ha

An atheist professor was teaching a college class and he told the class that he was going to prove that there is no God.

He said, "God, if you are real, then I want you to knock me off this platform. I'll give you 15 minutes!"

Ten minutes went by. The professor kept taunting God, saying, "Here I am, God. I'm still waiting."

He got down to the last couple of minutes and a Marine just released from active duty, and newly registered in the class, walked up to the professor, hit him full force in the face, and sent him flying from his platform. The professor struggled up, obviously shaken and yelled, "What's the matter with you? Why did you do that?" The Marine replied, "God was busy, so He sent me."

Funny Funny

What Did You Do Today, Honey?

A man came home from work to find total mayhem at home. The kids were outside, still in their pajamas, playing in the mud and muck. There were empty food boxes and wrappers all around. As he proceeded into the house, he found an even bigger mess. Dishes on the counter, dog food spilled on the floor, a broken glass under the table, and a small pile of sand by the back door. The family room was strewn with toys and various items of clothing, and a lamp had been knocked over.

He headed up the stairs, stepping over toys, to look for his wife.He was becoming worried that she may be ill, or that something had happened to her. He found her in the bedroom, still in bed with her pajamas on, reading a book.She looked up at him, smiled, and asked how his day went.

He looked at her bewildered and asked: "What happened here today?"She again smiled and answered: "You know everyday when you come home from work and ask me what I did today?" "Yes," was his reply."Well, today I didn't do it!"

Monday, October 13, 2008

Republican / Democrat
A woman in a hot air balloon realized she was lost. She lowered her altitude and spotted a man in a bass boat below. She shouted to him, 'Excuse me, can you help me? I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago, but I don't know where I am.'

The man consulted his portable GPS and replied, 'You're in a hot air balloon, approximately 30 feet above a ground elevation of 2346 feet above sea level. You are at 31 degrees, 14.97 minutes north latitude and 100 degrees, 49.09 minutes west longitude.'

She rolled her eyes and said, 'You must be a Republican.'

'I am,' replied the bass fisherman. 'How did you know?'

'Well,' answered the balloonist, 'everything you told me is technically correct, but I have no idea what to do with your information, and I'm still lost. Frankly, you've not been much help to me.'

The man smiled and responded, 'You must be a Democrat.'

'I am,' replied the balloonist. 'How did you know?'

'Well,' said the bass fisherman, 'You don't know where you are or where you are going. You've risen to where you are, due to a large quantity of hot air. You made a promise that you have no idea how to keep, and you expect me to solve your problem. You're in exactly the same position you were in before we met, but, somehow, now it's my fault.

Friday, October 10, 2008

I am SOOOOOO funny!

I didn't realize this comment was so funny until I read over it before posting it on a friend's page.

I prefer the Bowl method. Whenever I see a bug I simpy place a bowl over it and wait for Jerm to come take care of it. We used to end up with many upside down bowls, but now the bug man comes twice a month. I haven't used a bowl since I threw them all away!

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Jac's blessing is on Sunday @ 2:00 at my grandmother's house. If you want to come, I highly recommend it, call me for directions! A fun time to be spiritual and socialize all at once! Wahoo.

Oh! Please sporadically stop by my house this weekend as it is fairly clean and it may be a few years til that happens again.

Rosie will only wear dresses that look like a princess (I have no idea where she learned about princesses) So if anyone owns stock in Gymboree or Tarshae (really you'd spell it Targee, but just in case someone didn't take french) let me know. If I'm going to clothe her at all I need the discount!

Jerm's good. Sorry he can't help you because for the first time in a few years he needs to be home after work and on the weekends. Call a contractor. Thanks for thinking of him though.

Why do Americans use the unnecessary "G H"? Though, through. Stupid idea whomever came up with it.

i REALLY need a life

Like the title says; I really need a life. I... have a hard time putting what I mean by this into words. Not because I can't, but because I know other people read this and most don't think like I do. Let alone have their life and brain ruled by it. Most would probably assume I'm insane. But it's building up like hot air and because this is my forum I'm gonna pop this balloon.

I think in stories. Everyone has a character. There's always a villain and a hero. Usually a heroine because mostly the stories are about me because I can only live my life. SO that seems fairly simple doesn't it??? Ha! Shows how much you know!

Because I think this way I love characters. All kinds from hunky vampires to nerdy bookworms, molly Mormon, Jesus, innocent murderers, Dennis the Menace. I can appreciate even the villains and lots of time I like them. Dmitri and Felix, Voldemort, Macaulay Culkin in that movie with Elijah Wood (way back when they were both cute and filthy rich.), Johnny Depp in that one where he plays the recluse writer and plants corn over his ex-wife's body (you know you love it when he calls her boy toy a rubber necker). I analyze characters until I know them backwards and forwards. Reading and watching over and over and over. Only since I've been married have I been too abashed to write my conclusions down. I'm kinda anal about understanding them, which has translated into a better understanding of people. Thankfully this skill has become kinda useful.

Knowing this it's no surprise I was way into drama. Not valley girl drama or the drama club. But, the real actress in class, constantly studying performance and the art of selling yourself and audition. Not to become rich and famous, but to portray someone or something that another isn't able to understand without me as an instrument. I didn't care about the "art" in the film or play or the entire message. Only about the singular character I was to portray. Which may make me a selfish actress, but if I got her spot on then I didn't have to think about all of the motivations anymore. I literally became them. I did pretty well earning some acclaim among some stage people. I only say this to illustrate the depth of my "obsession". You haven't heard of me and They won't remember me, but They (the elusive they that makes all of the decisions for film and stage) knew of me.

It became my escape. A very fun escape and I became whoever my coach or director (or agent or manager) asked while still retaining my own identity.

But Hollywood and family don't mix.

This is going to get very private and personal so if that makes you uncomfortable go read a book. No I don't want to talk about it, I just want to try to let go of this ... pain-ish type thing.

I stopped several times over. I'm stopped now. But, I can not help but to be jealous to tears to see someone else portraying great characters. I can not help but to be so wrapped up in literature that I can barely function until I've finished the piece all the while shaping the characters on the page to ones that are more than realistic inside my head. I can not help but to cast my family into various roles in my own story... our own story. I can't help feeling as though some body's died. That's right died themselves dead.


Maybe because this... art form? OK this art form it is. I made it such an essential part of me, not doing it is like giving birth without and epi (Try it I dare you. You'll live but it hurts like hell!). But how??? How do I continue without sacrificing something of value? Right now there's no way. Jerm and I have tried to think of acceptable compromise, but it doesn't exist for us now. For me now. What a huge distraction made from a marvelous game of make believe. ~sigh~

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A Good Scream


Not gonna finish the story

Basically my license was suspended for a ticked back in 2006 that was paid, but some stupid DMV fee. Still not sure. I just gotta get there and give 40 bucks. Stupid DMV.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Breaking Dawn

SO, I just thought of this;

If Jacob hadn't imprinted on Renesme he would have killed her. The the Vamps would have waisted no time killing him. Then the wolves would have come after the vamps. There would be all out war between them and no reason for the Volturi to come unless Edward and Alice survived. Edward would have let them kill him becase Bella couldn't have survived. And who know what would have happened to Alice and Jasper.

Jacob had to imprint on her or the story would have been desimated.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

One day long long ago last week a very keen and sharp witted woman sat criticizing the most famous colored man in the land to her mother when there was a knock at the door. Tired of the agonizing potential for the future, she said farewell and answered the other line.

"Hola!" She exclaimed to the mysterious caller.

"Hello" Said a woman who possessed dry nasally voice with a New York accent. "Is Jeremy available?"

"No he works during the day. Can I help you?"

"Is Jade McClenan available?" replied the old smoker standing over her cane.


"May I talk to her?"

The woman adorned in unusually bright colors said "This is she." While she wondered why people are so slow to catch on, especially around noon. Kids are usually with their tutors while most everyone else works. This odd sounding lady must be simply be slow.

"Oh! Good morn Jade!" For some reason the scraggly haired caller was surprised. Okay, so she wasn't slow per se. Thought the quick thinking girl. Her master who forced her to call at this time is slow and she's just dumb for asking for the employed person in the house.


"I am Annie from the Farm of State. The Earl in Arizona was doing his usual DHC checks and bid me to find why your license is suspended."

"What?" Am I slow? Did she just say my license is suspended? For how long has it been suspended? What did I do? No, she must be retarded and accidentally pulled out our file. She came all this way by accident. Thought the dark haired lady.

"We want to know why your license is suspended."

"I have no idea. What does it say on the record your Earl pulled?" asked Jade. All the while knowing this job was much too minuscule for an Earl.

"Oh, they don't have the details." explained the high pitched gravelly voice.

"Well, I don't know. To the best of my knowledge there's no reason it should be."

"It is. Would you please find out why." Asked the voice Jade was certain was really a witch sent by the colored man who thinks he could be a good King. She made this happen to my her day. Nobody really sounds like that. Besides she's too old to be called Annie. She must do that to distract the listener from her voice and make them believe she is a maid.

"Sure. How?"

"I don't know. Call on the DHC. When you figure it out send me the information please."

"OK. I'll do what I can."

Jade shut the door and grabbed her cloak and hood while she asked her mother to take her to call on the DHC as she was asked. The wait for an associate was surprisingly short. Just 7 minutes. It really must have been some sort of record.

"Department of Horse and Carriages, Licensing Division" Said the soothing mezzo-soprano on the other end of the handsomely adorned mahogany counter.

Who ever hired her was smart! Her voice automatically calms a person taking their attention away from this waste of taxes definitely approved by the Heir of Read. Decided sleuth like detective . "Good afternoon, I wanted to know why my license has been suspended."

The round face gave her a sympathetic look before asking for her license number. After giving the curly haired matron the information required. Jade settled in for a long wait. It wasn't necessary. The curly hired woman was back in very little time.

"I'm sorry to inform you that you will have to seek audience with the Viscountess of Records to obtain the information you seek. I shall escort you promptly."

Jade just nodded to the woman in the Viscountess' employ.

When they arrived at the door of the Viscountess one of her Lady's in Waiting met them explaining the Viscountess of records was ill and to seek her sister the Baroness of Records. The kindly woman was again directed to escort the young mother.

Apparently, whatever happened to warrant such action is so serious that only top level authorities have access to the information. This is a horrible sign. I will surely be condemned. Speculated the worried Lady.

They arrived at the Baroness' residence. While awaiting an audience Jade bade her servant to inquire at Parliament of any wrong doing that may be on record. [Okay, I know I just randomly made her a Lady so she can have a servant, but I don't feel like editing this much more, so Jade is now a Lady with a servant. Possibly several.] Before they entered the Baroness' chambers the servant returned reporting that there was nothing recent on record. The latest was two years past: riding an un-branded horse.

A Lady of the Baroness invited Jade to come to her chamber. [is her the antecedent of Lady or Baroness? Either way it's meant to be Baroness.] Jade made a deep curtsy fearing the stocks for the mysterious crime.

"Please sit." Invited the Baroness.

[sorry to do this, but I gotta go the baby's crying]

Friday, September 19, 2008

Jerm's Birthday

Today was Jerm's birthday. The stupid jerk didn't want a party. How is that possible???? How do you have a birthday w/o a party. We didn't have one and he says it was a great birthday.

What's wrong with that retard? Pecan pie and Dave's Famous BBQ does not count! You know what he wanted?????? Money to fund his hobby car. Yeah, that's right he now has a hobby car. At least that'll distract him from Final Fantasy (Not football... you know who you are.).

He needs some reformation. Birthdays are great because they let the rest of s show you how special you are. That's why you have a party. Not for presents or stuff. A pick me up. That's why we celebrate birthdays to remind you you're especialae. Dumb guy doesn't even know now.

<> ~ a type of sigh

So, guess what?!

I just figured out that people can leave comments! Wahoo! Good for me! People really do read this! Weirdos. It's just me! Does that mean I have to put imprtant stuff on here. Great, that's gonna suck! Too bad! I'm just putting what I want on here anyway!

My kidlets

I have the best kids in the world. There are alot of contenders, but no one comes close. Sorry guys. I just can't lie, it's against my religion.

Rosie is very considerate of the people she loves. She's always willing to share anything with Jac. She may not cuddle on my schedule, but she cuddles all the time. Random kisses on the cheek are super common. Don't be fooled by all of this because she's her mother's daughter and very feisty as well. If you're doing something wrong she'll let you know. If you don't follow the rules she'll let me know. And, if you really piss her off she's willing to do the time in order to deck you. She's also royally stubborn. Thank goodness! All we have to do is get her a testimony... I hope. LOL! If only it were so easy.

Then there's Jac. He's already a man's man. 15 lbs and in 9 month clothes he's huge for his age and super duper strong! He lifts the back of his body all the way up in the air balancing on his breast bone. He rolled from his back to his belly when he was like a week old and held his head up from the beginning. He's sooo smiley! He's a generally happy boy who adores his big sister! He can't get enough of her. If I'm paying bills he needs a "bill" too. The same with books, blocks, and other things. He's pushing himself forward with his legs, but all he wants to do is walk. The fact that he can't really makes him mad. And he's a blabber mouth. He love to just sit and talk to anyone who will listen.

Today Rosie was in the tub using her telescope. Yesterday she mad a triangle out of some greeting card like things and was very proud of herself. Yeah that thought was random, but I'm bragging! I can do what I want.


School starts Oct 28th! I have about 2 years and 10 months left. I lost a ton of credits in the transfer of schools and change of major, but there's a light at the end of the tunnel. There's also no way I could go more than once a week. With five weeks per class, it's like summer school. I was always way better at summer school anyway. There's not enough time to get board or wanna ditch. This time there's nothing out of pocket. Phewww!

With "daycare" (otherwise known as watching my friends kids), weight watchers, dance classes (@ the gym), school, and church (which is going to become more regular) I'm busy busy. Yay! I LOVE being busy!

Fear not my family is not being neglected. I've been able to make one on one time for everyone daily! I really thrive when there's lots to do that doesn't involve cleaning. I don't sleep so much so homework will get done after everyone goes to bed. Jerm's usually in bed around 8. That gives me till like 12:30 to do homework and catch up on celebrity gossip.

I'm so excited and so is Jerm! Which caught me off guard. He was worried about nursing because of the schedual. Honestly, who can blame him. But, he's very very enthusiastic about education. It's really the right thing for us. It always feels good to his a home run with Heavenly Father as far as the whole revolation thing is concerned.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Random Ramblings

So, I pretty much figure Heavenly Father likes me and He's satisfied with the progress I've made and am making. Not only me, but my entire family. However, I have noticed going to church is getting harder for us, because interacting with people there is hard. We are PEOPLE PEOPLE. It's absolutely ridiculous that saying "Hi" makes us feel awkward! I don't even really know these people, and frankly I really don't care what they think. I just prefer not to put myself in an environment where I feel unwanted. Which means I care a little even if I don't actually feel it or understand.

Our ward is like Romeo and we Juliet. They're on the prosperous side of the spectrum. We're to the left of poor (really, really poor). They're mainly educated. We're mainly... not.They're stable. We're trying to get it together. All opposites. Makes for a fiery love story, but a horrible friendship.

The weird thing is; we genuinely like the people we've gotten to know and everyone we've talked to seems to agree with us. We all think everyone is pretending to not judge us. Weird huh?

Personally, I've never fit in at an LDS Church. But, it was okay with me in the singles ward because I really didn't care. Family ward is different. Maybe it was that time there was some problem in my Sunday school class and everyone knew except for me. Nobody felt like telling me til the shit hit the fan. Daddy (that's what we'll call him) apologized for yelling at me and I really appreciate it. But maybe I could have fixed it if someone (the parents, Primary President, or the Bishop, who all knew) had told me. I've been yelled at my whole life. The yelling really didn't bug me so much. Maybe it was the day at play group where Mommy Mormon kept her kid from playing with my little girl who got her feelings hurt so badly that day she cried about it later that evening. She was only a year and something and couldn't stop thinking about it. We don't go to play group anymore. And, maybe I'm the worst because I'm playing this stupid game instead of demanding the apologies my family deserves like I normally would. Besides if these people don't know they've done anything they deserve to. If they don't know they would then, and we could prevent it later.

I don't do it because people don't respond well to confrontation. Even kindly gentle confrontation. Nobody taught them how to handle pure honesty. They get defensive when you talk about how you feel and why. Really when you're offended by someone it's not so much about them. It's you and your coping strategy and doing everything within your power to forgive them. Even if it was you who was actually in the wrong. How do you know if social codes build a barrier your too chicken to break? Talking about the issue is how yo get your reality check.

This is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo dumb! But, I don't feel like it's okay to talk about. Woe is me!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Breaking Dawn

As a responsible reader I'm putting up a spoiler alert so there.

ANYHOW... I loved it. Despite there being no bloodshed I loved it. I was entertained the the whole book. The only criticism I agreed with was that the "My brother, my son" line was to cheesy to put into words. Oh! And Alice, I missed Alice.

I adore these characters and I believe they do have depth and are complex. I was surprised to find people thinking otherwise. It's hard for me to explain myself because I honestly cannot see the other side. I'd be happy to participate in lighthearted banter with someone who disagrees. Maybe I'd understand better that way than reading their thoughts.

Bella loving Edward and vice versa has been a real question for people too. They must have never ever seen an action movie in their life. Vin Deisel looks like a monkey, but he's a sexy hero so we love him. Moving on... Have you never felt that pull toward another person? The books illustrated it well. After they acknowledged it and began sharing their secrets those ties became even stronger. Throw in some teenage angst and learning to trust another implicitly with a dash of noble life saving on both their parts. How could one not fall for the other?? And that's just the first book. By book three there should be no doubt why they're in love. Go read book one again.

Did I want blood? Yes, I desperately wanted someone to die. Aro maybe? Jane for sure! I'm not the biggest fan of Peter and Charlotte, Tanya bugs me. Personally I think the Cullen Family couldn't have lost they have too many advantages against the Volturi. But honestly, it was brilliant to have them conclude with out bloodshed. No one expected it. I wasn't disappointed.

I missed Alice. Besides my girl crush on her she (and Emmit) give the series more humor. There were times when it got pretty dark and Jacob was not helping lighten thing up this time.

Oh yeah! Team Jacob you lose suck it up! Be a man! With that said, how can anyone think that was dumb!?!? Of course they'd be drawn to one another! There was a piece of her waiting for him. And he was obviously hanging around for some reason why couldn't the part of her meant for him (otherwise known as the egg) be it? Especially in fiction.

That's another thing. "Rules of the universe she created". Huh? First of all fiction has no rules. Second of all I never heard her say a male vampire couldn't father a child in the books or out. Did you?? Nor did I hear her say that shape shifters couldn't imprint on any sort of creature. Maybe you would have learned this when she tried to prepare us using Quil and Claire... Duh!!! Hello! She was saying right there; declaring it for all to see: There are no rules!

Bella's newborn phase. I get it now after reading the Midnight Sun manuscript. Bella could resist because there's absolutely no bad in her. (Just like Carlisle) You don't get it from Bella's perspective because she's so self deprecating. There's no way she'd ever hurt a person. It has never been in her character. Everyone'd understand this better later when Midnight Sun was released, but since it won't be anymore go to Stephanie Meyers website and read up. it's only 260 something pages and you already know what happens so it'll be fast.

It's okay that there's a perfectly happy ending. It's okay that Bella got everything she ever wanted. Now that I know her better I think she deserved it. There's enough tragedy in reality that the book didn't need any.

PS If I think of more I'll add it.

Sunday, August 3, 2008


I like to think that I'm funny. Now, I know the truth; that I am anything but funny. I just like to think it. I enjoy laughing at myself more than anyone else. Embarrassing or foot-in-mouth moments are hilarious to me! At least I have the decency to pretend to be mortified. After a half hour or so I'm dying to tell everyone to make them laugh with/at me. There's nothing quite like mirth.

For example; The missionaries were over for dinner one night. - They happened to be missionaries I wasn't so fond of. They lingered and hung out to much. Meanwhile I had stuff to do! What the heck!- Back to the story. I had to give Rosie a bath. While I did that, Jerm was taking them home.

We have no AC and it was sweltering in the bathroom, so I took off my shirt. I heard Jerm's car pull into the driveway and shouted for him to come help me finish bath and bed time. He didn't come, so I called him some more my frustration growing. I get her out of the tub and sat her down while I hunted for her father. I'm not quiet. I knew he heard me! How dare he ignore me!

I stomped into the hallway yelling his name with my girls covered only by my G's and my favorite (may it rest in peace) hot pink bra. I'd already began repositioning Jerm's butt hole when I noticed he wasn't alone. The Elders never left! So I said the only thing I knew how; "Holy shit! What the hell are you guys still doing here?!" Then I realized by LDS standards I was half naked! I couldn't make it to the bedroom fast enough!

That's not the worst part. Those little brats stole my thunder! They told my story to none other than Anita Hershberger! My story! MINE! Now I love Anita more than the next person, but that tells me a few things:
1. The missionaries have big mouths.
2. Everyone already knows.
3. The missionaries are color blind. They said my bra was red.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I realize she's two. But, why can't she ever say "OK Mommy"? Is there some switch in the brain that gets turned off around this age? And what's with the whining? Where did she learn that? Nursery is my guess? Who's kid made my kid whiny? I don't do whiny. Seriously, I go def when kids go whiny.

Nap time, Oh how I miss nap time. The most I can get out of her is to lay on the couch and watch a movie. Hopefully she'll fall asleep. Sometimes she does. I need my backyard cleaned out so I can send her out there to run around in circles to burn up some of her never ending stores of energy. Maybe then she'd nap more often.

Nap? Who said nap? I'll take some of that! Oh wait my whiny, uncontrollable daughter is still awake! Damn! Hold the phone! I have a daughter??? Aren't I too Young to have a kid? Weird.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Baby Shower

I ordered 40 invitations for my baby shower and sent them all yesterday. But, I can think of several people I'd also like to invite. I didn't know I knew so many people who'd want to come. Here's the info in case anyone who reads this wants to come have fun.

may 10
1:00 PM
1408 Via Savona Dr
Henderson NV 89052
RSVP 269.9213

When you RSVP you can get directions, or mapquest it, or call me.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

It's 10:00 and I'm brushing my teeth and hair getting ready for bed. I remake the bed over Jeremy (I can't sleep with crooked covers), and I realize the other pillow is missing! We have three. Two nice temprapedic hand me downs and one flimsy crappy one. I need two. I'm pregnant and comfort is a luxury I'm desperate to have. I've looked all over and I can't find it! I looked outside to make sure the dogs weren't playing a trick on me. It's not there. And it's not in our house!
Which means; someone came into our house and left Rosie's pillows and the two nice pillows, but decided to take the crappy pillow with the pillow case that matches our sheets. What a jerk(s)! How am I supposed to sleep?! The sciatica will kill me! I'm going to die tonight. Grrrrr! I am very angry. If anyone sees a flimsy pillow with a striped champagne colored pillow case IT'S MINE AND I NEED IT!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Walking group

So, I'm wanting to start a walking group. I certainly can not do aerobics in my current condition. Besides, church aerobics has ended. I'd like to start walking with people because walking alone is sooooooo boring! I do enjoy a nice walk. Maybe eventually it will branch into hiking once a month, who knows?

Friday, March 21, 2008


Man! I went to the store today and spent $129.00 on basically nothing. That's too much money for us. Last week the same stuff (with the exception of very few things) was $80.00. The dog food should have made it $93.00 plus tax. When I saw that total go up I asked Lee, our cashier; "Umm are you sure? Did my rewards card go through? Do you have any coupons back there?" He laughed with me. What do you say? Never mind we don't need food this week? Ha Ha.

On the bright side: It's not the $400.00 a week my cousin pays for groceries. And, we don't pay $6.00 for a gallon of milk like my in-laws.

We just need help. We have friends who make less and live better. How do they do that? I think that's what baffles me the most. We just can't figure it out. We've gone to many professionals, one we really liked, but he didn't really want our business I'm guessing. He just dropped off the face of the earth.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A random sampling of Wednesday

This blog probably won't be a ray of sunshine. And will probably be missing many "U"s as my "U" button jams quite often.

Jayna's very sick today. She has had a fever since last night. Poor baby. I used all the medicine last night. Jerm took the car today, so there was no way to get any. Rosie was not a happy camper. Luckily, my Grandma Rose ran to the store for us and got both Tylenol and Motrin. Rosie finally ate around 11:30 and took medicine. She is now down for a nap in her big girl bed.

The Big Girl Bed; the transition from Pack n Play to BGB has been fairly smooth. Thank Goodness. Jayna's bed has got to be 100 times more comfy than the cardboard bottom of a Pack n Play. I'm sure Sam (our beagle) sleeping in her bed every night makes it worth while too.

My house is a disaster. Like most people, I don't enjoy cleaning. But, for some reason I think it'd be easier to clean a place you like. For example, usually when some one's moved, after the boxes are unpacked their house is pretty neat. Because it's new and they want to keep it nice. I have no desire to keep this place nice. Even when it's tidy it looks horrible. That's what we get I guess. I'm trying desperately to think of all the lessons I need to learn by being here. To the best of my knowledge I've learnt them. Jeremy doesn't seem to want to move even if we could afford it. Talk about frustrating. Not that it matters we can't afford it. Besides, who'd feed the mice? It also doesn't help that I was up till 2:30 in the morning with a sick toddler. Nor, does it help when said toddler is so clingy you can't even pee. Let alone pick up or do dishes or laundry.

I want to take a bath. I never get to. During nap time I'm usually trying to accomplish some organizational task that nearly always goes unnoticed. After daddy gets home he gets in the tub, then dinner, then Rosie tub time, the family Scripture/prayer, then I usually put away dinner, then I try to talk to my Dear Husband (which usually means we're both on-line doing totally separate things.), Tuesday or Wednesday forget it because American Idol is on. After all of that, I end up bathing on Saturday around 10:00 at night weather I need it or not.

I have officially converted to pessimism. I fought a valiant fight against it to no avail. I have been married for almost three years and we have struggled (financially) the entire time. Eventually when your doing everything within you power, and asking God to do everything within his, you just give up. If I had finished my degree we wouldn't be having ANY of these issues. I'd be working less and making more than my DH while still being home during the day. I know I need to finish, but the money doesn't exist. The tuition isn't bad, but the child care and books would be phenomenal. I looked into every option I can think of. We wouldn't qualify for a student loan, and grants wouldn't cover all of it. So, we continue to be screwed, in a dump, dirty, with a sick kid, who sleeps in a big girl bed.